HI!! and welcome to my shrine for kagamine rin and len!! i was considering making a whole vocaloid shrine, but i realised how much i love the kagamine twins, and how much they have been a part of my life, so decided to dedicate this to them instead
this was when i was 9 and under, so i can't remember much. but one thing i remember was that i listened to a lot of nightcore songs, where i had first heard of vocaloid from! it was mainly the classic songs, such as miku, popipo and world is mine! there were dabbles of kagamine songs,,, but i can only remember loving 性悪オンナ・オンライン (Bad Girl Online) by Minus-P of WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! and Happy Halloween by Junky from many animation memes
this was when i was around 9-10 and i discovered a series called eddsworld!! i found an animatic to スキキライ (Love Hate) by Honeyworks and immediately fell in love with it, listening to more of Honeyworks' songs. While I cannot really remember other songs, Love Hate always stuck with me and further intensified my liking for Rin and Len!! below is the video so give it a watch ^_^
throughout covid, i listened to a lot more vocaloid...maily hatsume miku songs, but there were dables of kagamine rin and len in there, especially roki!! roki basically motivated me to try and learn a rock instrument so i could play it. and here is where it went downhill...with the release of project sekai. who would have guessed that my two inital favourite groups were the ones with rin and len as the initial vocaloids!! but i grew a large liking to ぼうけんのしょがきえました!(Your Adventure Log Has Vanished!) by Jesus-P of WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY!, who (to this day) are probably my favourite vocaloid producers. i became obsessed, and grew more of a liking to the group who covered the song, as they covered more kagamine rin and len songs, such as テレキャスタービーボーイ (Telecaster B-Boy) by Surii and Sweet Magic by Junky! whiel i have lost a lot of interest in project sekai now, i will still be forever grateful for it bringing back my interest in the Kagamine twins!!
while i don't emember a lot from that year, i do remember just trying to listen to more kagamine music from my favourite artsist at the time, and found more songs, such as 東京テディベア (Tokyo Teddy Bear) by neru, which i found as a cover in d4dj!!
this was definately the Kagamine year of all time...where do we start? this was the hyear that i got project diva on my switch, and i jumped for joy as i saw スキキライ (Love Hate) by Honeyworks and sarted my descent into madness...AGAIN!! quickly after saving the song onto spotofy, i discovered the album EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Kagaminext feat. 鏡音リン、鏡音レン ―10th ANNIVERSARY BEST―, an album celebrating the 10th anniversary of the kagamine twins by having the 'best hits' put on here...later on this may have become part of a very concerning spotify wrapped! i started to obsessivly listen to the album, and taking a liking to the song 聖槍爆裂ボーイ (Holy Lance Explosion Boy) by rerulili on the 30th april! coincidentialy, i had taken interest in 脳漿炸裂ガール (Spinal Fluid Explosion Girl/Brain Fluid Explosion Girl) by the same producer. when i say that holy lance explosion boy took over my life, it did. i would listen to the song every single day, find any video on it, watch the music video and project diva video on loop. when i got my wrapped, i realised how bad the obsession was. i had listened to the song a sweet 502 times, which equals about 1 day...which is definately normal!!
present day!!! well at least for me! was very busy this year, so haven't been able to find more kagamine artists, but i still love revisiting the classics, like えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ (Electric Angel)!! i also got the chance to see the twins live this year @ miku expo!! they played a lt of my favourite songs from them and has motivated me to go to more concerts, and i have planned to go to a few unofficial ones in 2025!! and i have started my kagamine merch collection!! it may not be much right now, with a Kagamine Len wristband and lightstick inserts of each twin, but it will build up, promise!!
birth of kagadreamin'! i am in the progress of making the layout and will probably create more content later on!!!
to do list section for favourite kagamine producers
section for favourite kagamine songs
add winamp
kagamine graphics section
history of the kagamine twins